Monday the 25th, the clinic was short staffed so we literally waited for 3 1/2 hours to see Dr. Standard. It was to fill the time.
Mommy cuddles |
Daddy massages |
Reciprocating Massage |
Looking at the people below |
It was Jeffrey's pre-op appointment where they take x-rays and go over the procedure and we can ask any questions we have. Once Allison (PA) came in and showed us the xray, she mentioned adding a new addition to our Precice Nail Femoral Lengthening. It was adding another 8 plate in his knee to help the valgus knee. (That just means his knee turns in.) They plan to leave the hips screws from 2 years ago and the broken ankle screw in since they're not bothering him.
Today's Pre-op xrays |
After our appointment, we took out Jeffrey's brand new Xbox One S to hook up and download and update stuff. This really dated me and Jamie because we used to turn on a gaming system, press start, and play. He was able to play and chat with two of his good buddies from home and I know he loved every second of that. But, alas, it was time for bed to prep for the next day.
Skip to Tuesday, surgery day. Waking up, Jeff was so excited for his surgery that he woke up around 7! He then, immediately, turned on the Xbox One S and starting gaming (Uhh, I guess he was actually excited to play video games rather than go have surgery ;) Jeff was lucky to be joined "Live" online by those same friends and they played some Star Wars Battle Front.
We had to shut down the Star Wars "Live" battle, and take the short trek to the hospital. Walking there, memories flooded as I took some snapshots of Jeff from behind. Images of a goofy 3 year old making this same journey popped into my head as I watched the same goofy 11 year old strut across the street to his next surgery.
We reported to check in at 9:00am, for Surgery at 11:00. However, he did not enter the OR until at least 12:15. He was in the OR for 3 1/2 hours. The next post will show you what we did while waiting...
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