Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Batting Practice

All the Schwanti have grown quite attached to our home away from home, Hackerman Patz.  The house is filled with good people, love, fun and more love.  I think that Jeff has it in his twisted mind that he is going to stay at H-P forever. 

 H-P is great, but "Home Home"...well, "Home Home" offers things that we can't get at HP.  Cooper, our own beds, our family and friends and of course, plenty of room for batting practice are some perks of "Home Home".  

While brushing my teeth, I kept hearing "Boom" followed by "Thwack".  Over and over the sound reverberated through out the house.  When I went to investigate, this is what I saw...enjoy!


  1. Skills to pay the bills. Maybe not yet.

  2. Soo stinkin' cute! Thinking about you all :)

  3. Did you say "while brushing my teeth" so you didn't have to say "while taking a poop?"
