*the waiting room with Jeffrey on the morning of surgery: We listen to the tv, which thankfully we couldn't see, and what is on? Oh, just a documentary on "The Family", a religious sex cult. (Insert hand on face emoji)
*After surgery, in recovery, Jeffrey comments:
"Dad's in his regular clothes!" Explanation: Jeffrey last saw Jamie in his blue jumpsuit with
hat and booties as he was wheeled into the OR.
"They really 'nailed me' that time!" Explanation: Jeffrey and Jamie were joking around before surgery about how after the surgery, it might feel like you got hit by a pitch on your hip on
knee. Mix it with the fact they call the device in his femur the Precice
"Mom, I have the urgent need to clean my room." Explanation: the anesthesiologist told Jeffrey of a possible side effect after surgery. He may wake up some mornings with a strange
feeling. It will be the urge to clean your room. When you are done, you will feel so satisfied.
Don't fight that urge.
*In the hospital room at night:
"I like it better here because it makes me feel like I'm normal."
*In the hospital room the next morning:
"Don't judge." Explanation: he was wearing a makeshift bib while bacon hung from his mouth and syrup dripped down.
*Jeffrey is having trouble with his belly, and is constipated. Jamie is reading him poop poems. smh